Monday, July 23, 2007

Inspired by Chikapappi!

She's sounds sweet bas shwaya ma2saweeya! :P Don't be offended, I like girls with death wishes...

Her last phrase in her last post was saying that she wants to freeze her family members to keep them forever <----- They'd be popcycles woman! Elmohem, here comes the big question; In the near far future; If there technology advanced to enbale you to freeze certain parts of your body to melt & attach on someones body and still have your emotions or memories - not like body transplants, there was this movies that promised people to keep their parts and relive through someone's body bas mothakra shesma- which body part do you really want to keep safe and frozen?!

Mo 9a7ya ana sa7! La sej wallaaaaaa


Shwaish said...

hmm, well lungs are no use because of the smoking, the feet are no use because of the high heels shoes and the bleeding toe :p, the blood aint no use because of the madre shino i just know its of no use hehe wait wait u said organ, hmmm i guess lazim my brain, its the only thing thats worth freezing and stuff

Brandy said...

If it's good o fee afkar meya meya, keep it! I am keeping my sharp bad tongue.. yumma yumma!

Elaine said...

my left eye lana it twitches less than my right eye

Brandy said...

I wonder what da boys would keep! ;)

EniGma said...

nothing kil shay mekhtereb

Shwaish said...

good? afkar miya miya? umm ok i guess i cnt keep it :( hhheehhehe

Whiskey said...

to2 to2 to2

Brandy said...

7amdellah wel sheker! te2te2te2 shino! You would probably keep them pretty legs of yours :p

Whiskey said...

Sho ya3ni mish 3am bifHam.

Brandy said...

what are ya freezin'!

THE 3 CLUB said...

i'd freeze all of me

EXzombie said...

my eyes and SRO, apparently I use them more than anything, except for skin, but I don't like skin, except for KFC chick skin it's good, and my hind which helps in activating the SRO, but some times I get help from other hands.....!!!

EXzombie said...

it's hand, but I was occupied with activating my SRO....!!!

Brandy said...

I suggest you activate your brain more than the other organs and en sha2 allah you will have a good life

EXzombie said...

I don't need a brain to do what I do......!!!

that's the fun part of life, which reminds me, having brain freez is not that appealing to keep the brain......!!!

Brandy said...

well, you do make sense you know....

Unknown said...

well well well, I am glad to be your source of posts :), I would wanna keep the brain and the heart; add the option to delete bad memories and feelings